QNAP Network Attached Storage Products
QNAP Network Attached Storage Products
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저희는 상거래 플랫폼인 Shopify에서 검증한 선구적인 탄소 제거 회사 네트워크와 협력합니다.
QNAP - statistically one of the best brands for network attached storage (NAS) at its price range.
Please select the product in the official website of QNAP and contact us for order, availability & quotation.
Warranty & Shipping Information
Product Highlights
QNAP Productivity Mobile Apps
Qmanager - Ever wanted to monitor and manage your Turbo NAS with your iOS® or Android™ mobile device? The Qmanager app makes it easy.
Qsync Pro - Qsync Pro synchronizes data and folders between your mobile devices and NAS, allowing you to access data on your NAS anytime anywhere.
Qsirch - Instantly find files with Qsirch.
Qnotes3 - Share your inspirations with a convenient note-taking tool for mobile devices.
QmailClient - Quickly check & manage multiple email accounts anytime and anywhere
QRM+ - Remotely manage all your networked devices.
Customized dashboard - The dashboard displays the state of your devices, including power status and the usage of CPU, RAM, disks, and network resources.
QNAP Entertainment Mobile Apps
Qmusic - Ever wanted to stream and enjoy the music stored on your Turbo NAS with iOS® and Android™ mobile device? The free Qmusic app allows you to listen to your terabytes of music collection on the Turbo NAS anytime and anywhere.
Qvideo - The free Qvideo app allows you to enjoy and share the video collection stored on your Turbo NAS from mobile devices anytime and anywhere.
Qphoto - The Qphoto app allows you to easily browse and share the photos on your Turbo NAS anytime and anywhere with mobile devices.
Qremote - When enjoying the HD Station, rather than hardware remotes, Qremote app is so convenient to make your mobile devices as a handy remote control - for playback of videos, music and photos stored in the Turbo NAS remotely and enjoy them on TV.
OceanKTV Client - Turn your tablet into a remote control. The OceanKTV Client allows you to control OceanKTV on a QNAP NAS with a tablet device. You can browse the song list and request, adjust the volume, add special effects, and more. Tutorial
Qget - Easily search download sources, download contents to the Turbo NAS, and manage download tasks on mobile devices.
Photo Tagger - Easily Manage your Photos with Tags
QNAP Surveillance Mobile Apps
Vmobile - Vmobile is a mobile surveillance app for remote and wireless monitoring of IP cameras managed by the Turbo NAS with Surveillance Station or the VioStor NVR. Access surveillance system to manage and monitor IP cameras anytime, anywhere.
Vcam - Turn your mobile device into an IP camera. With the Vcam mobile app, you could record any moment around you to your QNAP NAS. The Vcam solution provides a great way to deploy a home surveillance system without purchasing expensive IP camera.
QNAP Networking Mobile Apps
QuRouter - You can easily complete network settings for your QMiro/ QMiroPlus routers using the QuRouter App. With Bluetooth and a settings wizard you are only 5 steps away from setting up your smart home network and cloud storage applications.
More Information
Typical Product Coverage & Indicative Prices
Part Number | Price |
HS-453DX-8G | HK$ 6346 |
QWU-100 | HK$ 1659 |
TBS-453DX-8G | HK$ 5370 |
TS-h973AX-32G | HK$ 8787 |
TS-h973AX-8G | HK$ 7323 |
TS-130 | HK$ 1073 |
TS-230 | HK$ 1512 |
TS-131K | HK$ 1561 |
TS-231K | HK$ 1854 |
TS-431K | HK$ 2538 |
TS-431KX-2G | HK$ 3807 |
TS-231P3-2G | HK$ 2343 |
TS-231P3-4G | HK$ 2635 |
TS-431P3-2G | HK$ 3221 |
TS-431P3-4G | HK$ 3514 |
TS-431X3-4G | HK$ 4296 |
TS-832PX-4G | HK$ 6834 |
TS-932PX-4G | HK$ 5370 |
TS-1635AX-8G | HK$ 12205 |
TS-251+-2G | HK$ 3319 |
TS-451+-2G | HK$ 3710 |
TS-251D-2G | HK$ 2538 |
TS-251D-4G | HK$ 2831 |
TS-451D2-2G | HK$ 3417 |
TS-451D2-4G | HK$ 3710 |
TS-453BT3-8G | HK$ 8787 |
TS-253D-4G | HK$ 3417 |
TS-453D-4G | HK$ 4393 |
TS-453D-8G | HK$ 4881 |
TS-653D-4G | HK$ 5370 |
TS-653D-8G | HK$ 5858 |
TS-473A-8G | HK$ 6053 |
TS-673A-8G | HK$ 7030 |
TS-873A-8G | HK$ 8006 |
TS-h686-D1602-8G | HK$ 16599 |
TS-h886-D1622-16G | HK$ 19529 |
TVS-672X-i3-8G | HK$ 16599 |
TVS-872X-i3-8G | HK$ 19529 |
TVS-472XT-i3-4G | HK$ 17576 |
TVS-672XT-i3-8G | HK$ 19529 |
TVS-872XT-i5-16G | HK$ 22458 |
TVS-675-8G | HK$ 8679 |
TVS-h1288X-W1250-16G | HK$ 29294 |
TVS-h1688X-W1250-32G | HK$ 34176 |
QGD-1600P-4G | HK$ 5370 |
QGD-1600P-8G | HK$ 5858 |
QGD-1602P-C3558-8G | HK$ 9764 |
QGD-1602P-C3758-16G | HK$ 13670 |
QGD-3014-16PT-8G | HK$ 7811 |
QSW-1105-5T | HK$ 878 |
QSW-1208-8C | HK$ 4979 |
QSW-2104-2S | HK$ 1268 |
QSW-2104-2T | HK$ 1464 |
QSW-308-1C | HK$ 1464 |
QSW-308S | HK$ 1073 |
QSW-M1204-4C | HK$ 5272 |
QSW-M1208-8C | HK$ 5663 |
QSW-M2108-2C | HK$ 2928 |
QSW-M2108-2S | HK$ 2440 |
QSW-M2108R-2C | HK$ 3905 |
QSW-M2116P-2T2S | HK$ 4881 |
QSW-M408-2C | HK$ 2440 |
QSW-M408-4C | HK$ 2928 |
QSW-M408S | HK$ 1952 |
QSW-M804-4C | HK$ 4881 |
QHora-301W | HK$ 2440 |
QMiro-201W | HK$ 1073 |
QMiroPlus-201W | HK$ 3417 |
ES1686dc-2123IT-64G | HK$ 156239 |
ES1686dc-2142IT-128G | HK$ 195299 |
ES1686dc-2142IT-96G | HK$ 175769 |
ES2486dc-2142IT-128G | HK$ 214829 |
ES2486dc-2142IT-96G | HK$ 195299 |
GM-1001 | HK$ 73236 |
GM-1002 | HK$ 78119 |
TS-431XeU-2G | HK$ 5858 |
TS-431XeU-8G | HK$ 6834 |
TS-432PXU-2G | HK$ 6834 |
TS-432PXU-RP-2G | HK$ 9276 |
TS-832PXU-4G | HK$ 10740 |
TS-832PXU-RP-4G | HK$ 12693 |
TS-1232PXU-RP-4G | HK$ 16599 |
TS-451DeU-2G | HK$ 6834 |
TS-453DU-4G | HK$ 10740 |
TS-453DU-RP-4G | HK$ 13670 |
TS-853DU-RP-4G | HK$ 17576 |
TS-1253DU-RP-4G | HK$ 20505 |
TS-873AU-4G | HK$ 21482 |
TS-873AU-RP-4G | HK$ 23435 |
TS-1273AU-RP-8G | HK$ 29294 |
TS-1673AU-RP-16G | HK$ 37106 |
TS-877XU-RP-3600-8G | HK$ 33200 |
TS-977XU-RP-3600-8G | HK$ 29294 |
TS-h977XU-RP-3700X-32G | HK$ 34176 |
TS-h1277XU-RP-3700X-128G | HK$ 58589 |
TS-h1277XU-RP-3700X-32G | HK$ 48824 |
TS-h1677XU-RP-3700X-32G | HK$ 58589 |
TS-h2477XU-RP-3700X-32G | HK$ 68354 |
TS-883XU-E2124-8G | HK$ 35153 |
TS-883XU-RP-E2124-8G | HK$ 37106 |
TS-983XU-E2124-8G | HK$ 33200 |
TS-983XU-RP-E2124-8G | HK$ 35153 |
TS-1283XU-RP-E2124-8G | HK$ 46871 |
TS-h1283XU-RP-E2236-128G | HK$ 68354 |
TS-h1283XU-RP-E2236-32G | HK$ 58589 |
TS-1683XU-RP-E2124-16G | HK$ 56636 |
TS-h1683XU-RP-E2236-128G | HK$ 78119 |
TS-2483XU-RP-E2136-16G | HK$ 66401 |
TS-h2483XU-RP-E2236-128G | HK$ 87884 |
TS-1886XU-RP-D1622-8G | HK$ 39059 |
TS-h1886XU-RP-D1622-32G | HK$ 43941 |
TS-h3088XU-RP-W1250-32G | HK$ 53706 |
TS-h3088XU-RP-W1270-64G | HK$ 58589 |
TS-h2490FU-7232P-64G | HK$ 78119 |
TS-h2490FU-7302P-128G | HK$ 97649 |
TS-h2490FU-7302P-256G | HK$ 117179 |
QVP-21A | HK$ 4881 |
QVP-21A-04CH | HK$ 3417 |
QVP-41A | HK$ 10740 |
QVP-63A | HK$ 11717 |
QVP-85A | HK$ 15623 |
QNA-T310G1S | HK$ 1757 |
QNA-T310G1T | HK$ 1952 |
QNA-UC5G1T | HK$ 780 |
TL-D400S | HK$ 2928 |
TL-R400S | HK$ 5370 |
TL-D800C | HK$ 3905 |
TL-D800S | HK$ 4881 |
TL-R1200C-RP | HK$ 11717 |
TL-R1200S-RP | HK$ 12693 |
TL-R1220Sep-RP | HK$ 29294 |
TL-D1600S | HK$ 8299 |
TL-R1620Sdc | HK$ 39059 |
TL-R1620Sep-RP | HK$ 34176 |
TR-002 | HK$ 1268 |
TR-004 | HK$ 1659 |
TR-004U | HK$ 4881 |
QDA-A2AR | HK$ 487 |
QDA-A2MAR | HK$ 487 |
QDA-SA-4PCS | HK$ 2440 |
QDA-SA2-4PCS | HK$ 2440 |
QDA-SA3-4PCS | HK$ 2440 |
QDA-U2MP | HK$ 975 |
QDA-UMP | HK$ 487 |
Payment Methods
Payment Methods
Accepted Currencies for Bank Transfer:
We accepted most major currencies.
Accepted General Payment Methods:
Visa / MasterCard / Unionpay / Shop Pay / Apple Pay / Google Pay.
Accepted Local Electronic Payment Methods:
- Hong Kong [HKD] - FPS, Octopus card, PayMe, Alipay, Wechat Pay, BoC Pay, UnionPay
- China [CNY] - FPS, Wechat Pay, Alipay
- Taiwan [TWD] - Convenience Stores (7-Eleven, FamilyMart, Hi-Life)
- Philippines [PHP] - GCash
- Singapore [SGD] - GrabPay
- South Korea [KRW] - Kakao Pay
- Malaysia [MYR] - GrabPay, Duitnow
- Thailand [THB] - TrueMoney
- Netherlands [EUR] - iDEAL
Deposit Payment (Hong Kong Only):
Minimum 15% deposit is required for non-self-pickup-point pickup (please contact us for more).
Self-Pickup & Delivery Options
Self-Pickup & Delivery Options
Free Self Pick-Up Options (Hong Kong):
- Self-pickup points in Central
- Selected MTR stations.
Paid Delivery Options (Hong Kong):
- Standard express (fee calculated at checkout automatically).
- Urgent delivery (certain products only, please contact us for fee estimate).
Delivery options (outside Hong Kong):
- Shipping fee is calculated at checkout automatically (please contact us if not available).
- Import duty and/or VAT will be added to your order after you have completed the checkout process.
- For Taiwan, real name authentication at EZ Way app is required.