Order Matching Service
Order Matching (OM) Service is a free, AI-assisted shopping concierge and surveillance service to help you to save time, effort and money for your purchase.
You can typically use OM service to submit a request or order for:
- Products that are hard-to-get and out-of-stock,
- Products that you hope you can purchase for a better price,
- Products that have rapidly changing price and availability, or
- Products that are not listed in our website.
Just fill in the Order Matching Form and our system will notify when your order can be matched and fulfilled.
Want to name your own price for your order? No problem.
You can also submit a bid price in the Order Matching Form so that our system will notify you once your bid price matches with our selling price.
If you do not submit a bid price, the bid price will be set as our default selling price.
How does the order matching work?
When an order in the OM system can be matched, our system will first notify the client(s) who has the highest bid that is higher than or equal to our selling price.
If the highest bidder(s) does not complete an order at his/her bid price within 12 hours, the system will notify the next set of clients who has the next highest bids that are higher than or equal to our selling price.
The system will continue to notify more qualified bids if we still have inventory, every 12 hour.
When an order in the OM system can be matched, our system will first notify the client(s) who has the highest bid that is higher than or equal to our selling price.
If the highest bidder(s) does not complete an order at his/her bid price within 12 hours, the system will notify the next set of clients who has the next highest bids that are higher than or equal to our selling price.
The system will continue to notify more qualified bids if we still have inventory, every 12 hour.
The system may notify multiple qualified bids at each time to facilitate the process.
This OM Service is particularly useful for refurbished products as their prices and availability change rapidly due to supply and demand.
Please note that the availability of an item in OM Service is not guaranteed until you complete the order and payment.
Can I submit a Order Matching Form when a product still has inventory?
Yes, you can. If your bid price is the highest bid price and higher than our latest selling price, we’ll notify you.
Why my order may not be filled after you notify me of a matched order?
Your order may not be able to be filled when:
- Your bid price is not the highest bid price that meets our selling price,
- Our supplier has sold all its new inventory before we can put in an order, or
- You do not reply to us within 12 hours after we notify you about the availability.
Should I submit a higher or lower bid price than the listed price for the OM Service?
When you are keen on getting the item ASAP, you may want to submit a higher bid price.
When you believe the listed price has room to come down, you may want to submit a lower bid price than the listed price.